Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Lots has happened since my last blog. I have gotten married to mark ?westveer. I finally got strong enough to leave my ex husband. I went through a lot. Alanon changed my life! I am now on dialysis. I do it from home. Sometimes I'm very depressed about it but I go on. Tonight was one of those nights. It was still warm outside but I had to hook up at eight pm. Having a pit party. I get over this fairly quickly S I know dialysis will keep me alive.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ok, I have not spent much time here...thus I do not know how to do anything. I would love to have a craft blog like others I have seen, but this seems very complicated to me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

did it work?

I wonder how...

STill learning!  I just finished a Cricut Circle Blog challenge by making a banner.  It took me all night to do it, but I cut extras for my girls.  Let's just see if I can figure out how to stick it on here!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What I'm doing today!

It's Saturday and I am at work.  I had to edit and cut a file for input to my computer system, and while doing that I was watching crafting videos!  Now that's what I'm talkin' about! 

Friday, December 10, 2010


I have four dogs.  I love my dogs!  Each one is so unique, just like humans, except for the tails part.  It's almost 1 am, my dogs are all around and husband is snoring.  I am looking forward to Christmas.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Figured it out, I think

I want to "blog hop" and sign up for free stuff on crafting sites, but every time I try, I don't have the right way to do it, and it asks where is my blog so....thank you internet, I found this blogger.com thingy.  I guess I'm doin it!  Now, maybe I can win something on one of those blog hops!